With the Federal Reserve reporting that Americans owe $1.021 trillion in outstanding credit card debt, having the facts about how to get out of debt has become more important than ever before. The good news is getting out of debt does not have to be as stressful, painful, or hard as you might think. Mostly, paying off debt requires focus, a changed perspective on spending, and the ability to separate the myths from the facts.
12 Myths About How to Get Out of Debt
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Home, Life & School, Debt Consolidation
April is Credit Union Youth Month, and Carolina Trust is celebrating in full swing like we do every year. This year's official youth month theme is "Save Small. Dream Big. at your credit union™, and one day you may have enough to fulfill a financial dream!" This theme makes saving for the future fun and encourages younger members to create financial dreams and work hard to see them through.
Youth Month is a great annual opportunity to engage with our young members and teach them about important financial topics. Taking financial concepts and putting them into terms that kids can understand can be tricky, so I'm here to help!
In this BALANCE blog post, you'll learn different tips and tricks to raising kids that are financially responsible.
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Youth Financial Literacy
April is Credit Union Youth Month, and Carolina Trust is celebrating in full swing like we do every year. This year's official youth month theme is "Save Small. Dream Big. at your credit union™, and one day you may have enough to fulfill a financial dream!" This theme makes saving for the future fun and encourages younger members to create financial dreams and work hard to see them through.
Youth Month is a great annual opportunity to engage with our young members and teach them about important financial topics. Taking financial concepts and putting them into terms that kids can understand can be tricky, so I'm here to help!
In this BALANCE blog post, you'll learn different tips and tricks to raising kids that are financially savvy.
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Youth Financial Literacy
Teaching Kids About Budgeting by Having Them Assist With Grocery Shopping
April is Credit Union Youth Month, and Carolina Trust is celebrating in full swing like we do every year. This year's official youth month theme is "Save Small. Dream Big. at your credit union™, and one day you may have enough to fulfill a financial dream!" This theme makes saving for the future fun and encourages younger members to create financial dreams and work hard to see them through.
Youth Month is a great annual opportunity to engage with our young members and teach them about important financial topics. Taking topics like credit, investing, and budgeting and putting them into terms that kids can understand can be tricky, so I'm here to help!
In this blog post, I will show you how you can teach the kids in your life about budgeting by having them assist with grocery shopping.
I loved going to the grocery store with my parents as a kid. I would always try to sneak treats into the buggy and collect as many coupons from the aisle coupon machines as possible. Although going to the grocery store was a fun trip for me, I'm sure all of my shenanigans made it quite stressful for my parents. If you're in the same boat when it comes to grocery shopping with kids, try letting them assist with shopping. Having them help gives them something to do, and it's also an excellent opportunity to teach them about budgeting.
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Youth Financial Literacy
April is Credit Union Youth Month, and Carolina Trust is celebrating in full swing like we do every year. This year's official youth month theme is "Save Small. Dream Big. at your credit union™, and one day you may have enough to fulfill a financial dream!" This theme makes saving for the future fun and encourages younger members to create financial dreams and work hard to see them through.
Youth Month is a great annual opportunity to engage with our young members and teach them about important financial topics. Taking topics like credit, investing, and budgeting and putting them into terms that kids can understand can be tricky, so I'm here to help!
In this blog post, I will show you how you can teach the kids in your life about investing.
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Youth Financial Literacy
April is Credit Union Youth Month, and Carolina Trust is celebrating in full swing like we do every year. This year's official youth month theme is "Save Small. Dream Big. at your credit union™, and one day you may have enough to fulfill a financial dream!" This theme makes saving for the future fun and encourages younger members to create financial dreams and work hard to see them through.
Youth Month is a great annual opportunity to engage with our young members and teach them about important financial topics. Taking topics like credit, investing, and budgeting and putting them into terms that kids can understand can be tricky, so I'm here to help!
In this blog post, I will try to explain the concept of credit by comparing it to a library book. If you're not already a cardholder at our public library, now is an excellent time to become one. Not only will your child get to do a bit more reading, but you can use the experience to explain the concept of credit.
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Youth Financial Literacy
7 Quick Tips About How to Make and Follow a Monthly Budget
Knowing how to make a monthly budget is the important first step to financial freedom. That means retiring comfortably, spending time with your family, and traveling like you always wanted. Monthly budgets, however, aren’t something you can set and forget about. In order to make one work for you and your family, you must always review and tweak it. To help, here are seven tips for improving your monthly budget for your family:
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Home, Life & School
If You Need a Budget Follow These 5 Easy Tips to Get Started
According to the American Psychological Association's survey, which measures causes of stress, money consistently lands near the top with 61% of Americans reporting money-related anxiety. The biggest factor in this stress is overspending according to CNBC Personal Finance. We worry when total expenses (amount spent monthly) exceed total income (amount made monthly), causing mounting debt.
Create a monthly budget to ensure you do not spend more than you make in a month, forcing you to take on additional debt.
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Home, Life & School
12 Ways To Save A Lot Of Money By Changing Daily, Weekly & Monthly Habits
The basic idea behind putting in long work-hours is that our quality of life will improve. Maybe you pull some overtime or go above and beyond to earn a raise or promotion. Regardless of how you go about increasing your salary, there’s an expectation that bank accounts will swell, and life will get a tad easier. One of the things that hold many of us back from saving a lot of money though is controlling our spending.
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Home, Life & School
Top 10 Financial Planning Tips For Millennials
As a millennial, you're part of a unique and special generation. You're probably at the exciting stage in life where you're just starting out or you're beginning that career climb. Undoubtedly you want to avoid some of the financial pitfalls that have befallen previous generations, but how can you do so? Read below to learn the top 10 financial tips for millennials today.
Topics: Personal Finance, Credit Cards, Home, Life & School