How to Spruce Your Home for Spring on a Budget

Written by August | Mar 20, 2024 5:40:47 PM

When I think of Spring, I think airy, bright, warm, and fresh. It's the perfect time to give your home a little sprucing up. But if you're not careful, Spring sprucing and cleaning can quickly become expensive.

Here are my top tips for giving your home the fresh spring vibe without spending a fortune:

1. Declutter and Organize

First up, let's clear the clutter; there's a reason they call it Spring Cleaning. A tidy space not only looks amazing but also uplifts your mood. Plus, it costs nothing but a bit of your time!

2. Swap Out Accents

Next, refresh your accents. Swap those dark pillows for something light and bright. You'd be amazed at what you can find at thrift stores or how inexpensive a lightweight throw or floral pillow covers can be online.

3. Go Green

Bring in some greenery! Indoor plants or fresh flowers add life and color to any room. They're affordable, especially from your local school or market, and they purify the air, too!

4. DIY Décor

Feeling crafty? Personalize your space with DIY décor. Paint an old chair a vibrant new color, or create some art. It's all about making your space uniquely yours without spending a lot.

5. Let the Light In

Finally, embrace natural light. Clean those windows and open the curtains; It's an instant space brightener. Letting in that natural light and enjoying the sunshine through the window on those longer days will help your home feel like Spring; best of all, it's free.